- 1 :名無しさん@そうだ登録へいこう:04/06/16 23:31 ID:Azj3o12m
- 旧スレ、1000超えたので新スレ立てます。
- 72 :名無しさん@そうだ登録へいこう:04/06/30 21:03 ID:UOkd7uRR
- >>69
ho-hum, I have the misfortune to tell you that your bathetic words are worth shit,
and at the same time, it backs up that your thinking power's very poor.
After all, Those who are retarded are the way they have to be.
Anyway, I'm afraid that you can't catch up with me with the degree of your intellect and,
what is more, you don't have personal charm catches me.
So, I must say that you'd better keep your mouth shut.
[ 2ちゃんねるとは関係ない我が家の鯖はWindows 完全帯域無保証 光サーバー ]
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