- 1 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2006/04/29(土) 14:14:31.76 ID:zNHiuaBQ0
- とり合えず立ててみた
- 13 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2006/04/29(土) 14:20:26.40 ID:zNHiuaBQ0
- これ作ってみたけどいいと思う? ちょっと前に晒した奴だけど
"Please wait"
I am waiting for you.
However, you do not know me.
She is wonderful.
And, I want to meet. And, I want to go out together.
She is my ideal.
However, she doesn't know me.
I keep waiting.
I wait until this body rots.
I want to meet her.
I want to meet the woman who spends the life with me.
I am alive.
I am alive until she meets.
I am waiting.
I want to hear it if there is a god.
"When may I meet her?"
I want to meet her.
I want to coexist in this town.
And, I want to shut the life together some time.
[ 2ちゃんねるとは関係ない我が家の鯖はWindows 完全帯域無保証 光サーバー ]
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