

1 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2006/04/29(土) 14:14:31.76 ID:zNHiuaBQ0

381325:2006/04/29(土) 23:00:40.94 ID:OPxJDZRs0
I pull the trigger every day.
The delusion is raised every day of crazy
though it has not ruined oneself with the drug.
Where is the enemy?
Where is my family?
Where is dear my sister?
Nulpo de guh
Te Amo Mi Menor
Rom for ten years
Already the pardon *** …
There is will being not to break off the flag
And the sweat flows from eyes
From my eyes

I am making everyone beguilement what being done
It is fishing and ,in a word
Such a thing is occasionally an everyday experience
though I am cheated
It accelerates by one's best
And a word of ‘tree' is waited for.
Around real world by chance,
I can see only the heap of refuse and the shining monitor
Yes, but the sweat flows from eyes
From my eyes

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