

1 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2006/04/28(金) 18:28:46.95 ID:HonUrF4+0
>>70新EP >>80名曲 >>90新曲
>>100 ライブパフォーマンス

520以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2006/04/28(金) 21:27:06.59 ID:TZbFWx5I0
【俺たちの居場所】 とりあえずありきたりなものを作ってみた

Where is our whereabouts?
Is it this narrow world?No, it differs.
It is a society that can live freely.

It is not bound to the society.
Own dream can be demanded.

It will become our whereabouts in the future.
I want the world where it
can laugh at both the plant and the living thing.

This idea is my ideal.
No, it is our whereabouts.

Do not give it up.
Do not give up the dream.
It ends when running away.

192KB [ 2ちゃんねるとは関係ない我が家の鯖はWindows 完全帯域無保証 光サーバー ]



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